It is held from 5th April to 30th April 2017 over at Chan+Hori Contemporary over at Gillman Barracks.
Jordi's show was called Sonance: Sound as Body, Sound as Architecture.
Shirly's show was called Lighter than Sunshowers.
Must say I am quite impressed with Jordi's works. He presented quite a few impressive bronze sculptures and paintings with resin sculptures attached to it.
Shirly Koh's drawings with watercolour were quite weak. Think conceptually it must have been interesting, but the visual aspect is very lacking. The paint was also applied very thinly and faint, think she wanted to achieve that effect. But if one were to hang it and not hide it from the world, I really think it will fade away after years.....
Jordi's work
Shirly's work
Point for collectors: Jordi is a buy. Well rounded artist. But not sure of his 'branding' because this is the first time I have come across him, although he is based in Sg for a few years already. Shirly Koh is a UOB POY awardee for 2016, but really who bothers about the UOB award anymore. So I would give her a wait-and-see rating. Saw a red dot for each artist. So someone agrees with me and another not.