Phi Phi Oanh's main interest in her works now is the study of traditional/ cultural Vietnamese art materials and has led her to use and study lacquer painting.
Initially when you go into the gallery what you mainly see is the projected images of her works, which in itself are very nice pieces. And that's all you take away if you just pop in and out of the darkened gallery (to allow for the projection of the slides).
Art work comprising of Stand, Projector and Boxes
However each piece of art work isn't only the slides but also includes the heavy metal stand and base, the projector and the box to store the slides. And all are tied into the theme. The slides are painted with lacquer paint with different sizes of slides for the different projectors. The effect of lacquer paint projected with light onto a surface/silk screen is very different from when it is used as a pigment on a 'canvas'.
Sample of a projected slide(reminds me of H&E staining)
The projector is lacquered and the projectors are lacquered differently with different patterns, like a basket-weave pattern or middle eastern inspired patterns. The projectors are old projectors which she has salvaged and refinished, lacquered and changed the light source from the hot incandescent bulb to a cool LED light source. (re-wired to 240v for Singapore!) So no 2 projectors are the same. Even the boxes to store the slides are also lacquered and I think she would have lacquered the metal stand too.
Basket-weave Pattern
Very interesting concept and ways to express her study of this medium. Good works without any disconnect between the artist statement/concept and works.
Buy rating if you have the space. Or you can always rent space from Helutrans, only about $400 a month.
Another interesting exhibition by Stephanie Fong of FOST Gallery.
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