Thursday, 10 December 2015

Singapore: Inside Out

This is a showcase of Singapore's creative talent that has been to Beijing, London and New York, before ending in Singapore as part of the year end SG50 Jubilee Celebrations.

It aims to show the world Singapore's various art talents, in all genres, not only visual arts. It ran from 27th November till 6th December 2015 over at a field by Tan Quee Lan street.

Managed to catch the Singapore edition. The three (fine artists/ visual artists) that caught my attention are: (didn't mention the current Art Gods' obligatory favourite Ho Tzu Nyen and his video)

The most interesting was Vertical Submarine's mirror image room, making one think about reality and oneself. Everyone was shunted into the room to enter the exhibition proper, as it was the first room, so I think the curator of the show also thought that it was the best too. Seems Vertical Submarine is making a comeback after the bad press of the 'Stray Cats'.

But the first art you see is actually Zul Mahmod's 'Alice did you hear that?'. This is typical Zul's sound installation work. Interesting work, but really wished it had a better aural quality, rhythm, tempo and sound quality. Full marks as a piece of visual art, but as sound art not sure if it's that good, i.e. try just listening to it and see whether it passes. So if he produced better sound, then it will be the bomb.

Robert Zhao did a shop of tourism, The Nature Shop, which is a collection of things (collected or created) related to Singapore and tourism and arranged in a shop format. The logo was obviously a take on/ play of the Singapore Tourism Board's logo. Overall, interesting but a shop idea is not very fresh. This installation could be readily attributed to Robert Zhao because of the way he approaches the subjects he wants to deal with. (Was there self promotion of his works too? He included a cat sculpture with the clipped ear into the shop, sort of similar to the ones he sold at Mizuma (refer to my earlier post). He should stick to his photos and other installations like the Eskimo Wolf Trap which are way much better.

Overall very good but I can't help sharing my thoughts about the works.

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