Monday, 5 November 2018

Still, Singapore Life - Sara Chong, Chen Yanyun, Alvin Mark Tan and Keyon Guo

This exhibition was held from 31st August to 12th October 2018 at Art Seasons Gallery.

This exhibition featured Sara Chong, Chen Yanyun, Alvin Mark Tan and Keyon Guo. And the subject was still life in Singapore.

Interesting and refreshing topic. Haven't seen much still life and portraiture works in a while.

Sara Chong painted herself and two other artists, Chen Yanyun and Jeremy Fernando. She's good.

Chen Yanyun showed one of her charcoal works. Was interesting but not her best. Think she was holding off because she is having a show with Art Porters in November.

Alvin Mark Tan showed his typical works in the traditional style.

Keyon Guo did some still life.

Artwork of the month awardee

Point for collectors: Sara Chong I give a buy rating. She's good especially with the figure but has problem blending with the background. She needs to work on that. Chen Yanyun - Buy rating. But not this piece. I love her figures and nudes. Alvin Mark Tan - neutral because the works are pricey, maybe he takes longer to do the works. And he still can improve on his works. Keyon Guo - long way to go but can reach there eventually.

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