Saturday, 14 January 2017

Affordable Art Fair November 2016 - Young Talent Programme.

This was held in conjunction with the year end edition of the Affordable Art Fair. Here at 75gramsofpainting, we love to feature young artists. The artists featured are Chiang Lup Hong, Eugene Koh, Harun Ak, Jodi Tan, Le Thuy, Leow Wei Li, Tay Ining and Wai. And being strong advocates for the local art scene we will talk about the 4 Singaporean Artists.

Jodi Tan - she did more of her cross stitch works like in the VADA Untapped Emerging 2016. Nice Works.

Leow Wei Li - she did more of her paintings which has to deal with spaces/spatial interactions. Nice Works.

Tay Ining - Did her Naked Potato; Sweet Naked Potato. In which she set up a stall which she made and welded herself. And she presented sweet potatoes and normal potatoes along with her steel potatoes and steel sweet potatoes and the art/ steel potatoes were sold by the weight. Quite an eye-catching work.

Eugene Koh - presented wood sculptures. Nice works too. There were 3 sculptures in all.

Points for collectors: Tay Ining - Strong Buy. Jodi Tan and Leow Weili - Buy. Eugene Koh - can buy but the works were a tad expensive at AAF and have to see how he develops. Just hope that trials and bumps in the short term don't dampen their enthusiasm, because they are all talented.

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