Thursday, 19 January 2017

Solid Prayers - Chun Kai Qun

This exhibition is held from 10th January to 19th February 2017 over at FOST Gallery at Gillman Barracks.

This exhibition features many installations, dioramas, drawings and printed words.

In a Chun Kai Qun style/ humour/ sense of being, the works are dark, scary, anarchic, wild, coarse and primal. Not easily palatable to most, and can give you a strong sense of sadness without you being able to pinpoint why. Even the colour palette isn't easy to appreciate, the strong colours contrast in the works. Some of the works are very blatant and in your face. However the thoughts and subjects behind the works are interesting and often personal.

They're not works you can look at on one of those noisy Gillman party nights when people just go for the free booze. Spend some time with the works alone, at a non-busy time at the gallery, and you will go away feeling thoughtful and richer for the experience.

Points for collectors: Kai Qun is a buy rating, he has been recognised and awarded the Young Artist Award by NAC in 2015 (the award at the same event as the Cultural Medallion). Just hope that he continues to work with the galleries and doesn't drop out of the scene or get ignored by the galleries. 

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