Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Sweet Dreams - Ian Tee

This exhibition was held from 2nd March to 14th March 2019 at Yavuz Gallery over at Gillman Barracks.

Ian Tee is a young artist that just graduated. We had seen his works cloth/ blanket/ quilt works (Fire Blanket series) before at Grey Projects and Ota Fine Arts. Those were nice. When we researched online to find out more about him, we noticed his works on aluminium was much better. That time he was only scratching and destroying the surface of the aluminium sheets.

This time not only did he scratch the works, he painted on them, added collages of paper/printed paper and other material/objects to his works.

Really nice works which have to do with himself and his feelings of insecurities/ anxieties. That's why this series is called the 'Target series'. He also did a few more before the Target series and those were nice too.

Ian Tee's works were priced very reasonably. Respect to Yavuz and his crew. Because this was a loss making exhibition but he's willing to take a risk on a young Singaporean artist. Don't think there was any funding for this exhibition from NAC either.

But back to his works. He needs to focus a bit more on the painterly aspect of the work. Work the background a bit more to give it more depth and more life, i.e. look at a Rothko. That would set him apart from the other collages that you see around and many artists also hang or add objects to their works. And this technical skill would be the x factor. If you look at Srihardi Soedarsono's work, they look more ah pek / Modern art style, but his brush strokes, use of colours and application of paint is technically excellent and akin to a contemporary artist / abstract artist.

Points for collectors: Buy Rating. Reasonably priced. Sold quite a few too. Good luck to him. We really like his works.

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